Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! Last year I was able to showcase a glimpse of what is to come for this year. As I embark on this journey as a photographer I want my work to stand for something. As a woman of color with a young child, I want my daughter to look back and be proud that her mother was able to impact change and stimulate dialogue whether it’s on small or large scale. While this goal will be ongoing, but this is what I am working towards.

I was raised in an era, where art was part of our everyday lives. It was in our schools, it was an outlet, a release for many who didn’t conform to societies ideology. I remember always being outdoor, playing outside, falling down, scraping my knee from playing tag with childhood friends. I remember freedom, self discovery and moments of silence. For this year, my work will speak on that.

I love visual arts. I admire people who can paint, draw and sketch. Taking a blank canvas and bringing it to life is almost super power like for me. This year, there will be a strong emphasis of visual art influences from some of my favorite visual artists, such as Jean Michel Basquiat, Kieth Haring, unknown artists and graffiti artists. I am actually excited about this, because I already created a few mood boards, so it’s just a matter of putting together a team to execute this project.

I want to pay homage to my Haitian roots. I remember my mom used to tell me how fashionable she was, so it will be nice to explore fashion in her era and bring it to life. I also remember as a child growing up, children used to get teased because they weren’t sporting the latest fashion trends, so going back there and exploring the idea of “just come” fashion is interesting to me. As I am typing this, I am thinking how am I going to execute this, but where there is a will there is a way.

From a client a standpoint, I am steadily building a strong client base and I am going to start using my Facebook page to showcase work that I do outside of the fashion realm. I am hoping to rebuild my entertainment clientele. I miss shooting and working with musicians and I definitely want to shoot a video or two for 2016. Many people don’t know that I am videographer as well, so I will do my best to publish and market myself better in that area. Overall, I need to do better on social media, so that is definitely a goal to strive for.

Last but not least, the biggest goal of this year is to put out my short film. It’s 20 minutes. I wrote the script a long time ago. If I am able to do that, I will be extremely happy. It’s going to be a year of really creating and being fully vested. There were some challenges in 2015 that slowed down the volume of work I wanted to produce, but overall I am satisfied with what I have so far given that I am single parent, working and going to school full time!

With that being said, Happy New Year and live life to the fullest.

In love and light


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